Alex Harford Photography & Travel


Lyveden New Bield

I thought Lyveden New Bield was a ruin at first, but it's an unfinished lodge from Elizabethan times. It took a leafy single-track road and bumpy field to get there, somewhere in the Northamptonshire countryside.

Lyveden New Bield western viewLyveden New Bield closeup western view

The gardens and lodge were constructed with Catholic symbolism by Sir Thomas Tresham from 1595, but remained unfinished after his death in 1605. He had two ancestral namesakes; Sir Thomas Tresham (1425 - 1471) who was executed and Sir Thomas Tresham (1498 - 1559) who was believed assassinated. After that history you'd think this Sir Thomas Tresham (1543 - 1605) might have a bit more luck, but he was Catholic at a time when Catholics were persecuted and met his death in 1605 - believed to have been murdered. His son, Francis Tresham, was implicated in the Gunpowder Plot of 1605 and died shortly after.

Moat and reflection of Lyveden New BieldBlue skies with a photogenic view of a reflected Lyveden New BieldView from the New BieldView from New Bield of fields through silhouetted windowsOrchardView over orchard backed by woodsLooking up from insideView to the sky from inside Lyveden New Bield

Photos taken with the Canon Powershot G1 X.


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