Alex Harford Photography & Travel


Colourfully Decorated Abandoned House, Plus Anti-Midge Lotion

A brightly decorated house of reds and yellows in northwest Scotland (the anti-midge lotion is a big clue to the country). It has a nearby loch and a mountain view, and was abandoned in the mid to late 1980s.

Parts of the roof and various upstairs rooms had fallen in, so I left most of the upper floor to the elements.

Anti-midge lotion and a shelf of bottlesOld anti-midge lotion on a shelf full of bottles

The lotion bottle says:
"For gnat or mosquito stings. It reduces the swelling, counteracts the poison and allays the irritation.

Apply as speedily as possible to the affected parts using ?????s of soft cotton wool or lint."

My favourite photo from this house. I like how the light passing through the floorboards seems to point to the fireplace.Yellow and beige-tiled fireplace below fallen floorboards Chest of drawers and suitcaseOld wooden chest of drawers topped by an old brown leather suitcase Family letter from 1981A handwritten weathered family letter Damp and weathered portrait fallen from the wall, with only hands remainingDamp and weathered sepia portrait, with only the hands remaining Box of old magazines and newspapers - on top was an annual from 1965 “Perfect Joint” advert in an issue of Eilean an FhraoichPerfect Joint advert in an issue of Gaelic New Testament, lying on the floorAn open Gaelic New Testament Old-style light switches in the kitchenOld-style black light switches in a red-painted room Old and rusting kitchen cookerAn old white rusting kitchen cooker A red-walled downstairs bathroom full of wooden chairsA pile of wooden chairs next to a sink and toilet Everything is yellowOld style round yellow light switch, with yellow walls and a yellow door The biggest collapse of the upper floor and another fireplaceCollapsed roof fallen around small and old yellow fireplace Wooden yellow bedroom with little pink fireplaceWooden-walled yellow bedroom with chair and old bed frame


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