Alex Harford Photography & Travel


The Heather Findlay Band and Odin Dragonfly at The Robin, Bilston

Spirited performances from all make The Heather Findlay Band a joy. An upbeat rocky reworking of Mostly Autumn's largely acoustic Bitterness Burnt was stunning (with added drum bursts from Heather). Other highlights included Heather's Phoenix EP material which rises to another level in its live incarnation - and when Alex Cromarty broke his snare stand - an unplanned Heather Findlay and Chris Johnson acoustic of Gaze. A Mostly Autumn song that's a favourite for many but hasn't stood out for me before, Carpe Diem, sounded amazing in the encore. There was also a new song, Shine, which sounded very promising.

Heather FindlayHeather Findlay A headless Chris JohnsonA headless Chris JohnsonHeather Findlay and Alex CromartyHeather Findlay and Alex Cromarty on drumsChris JohnsonChris Johnson and acoustic guitarHeather FindlayHeather Findlay in blue lightThe Heather Findlay BandThe Heather Findlay BandHeather FindlayHeather Findlay smilingThe Heather Findlay Band say goodnightThe Heather Findlay Band say goodbye Setlist (without the impromptu Gaze)Heather Findlay Band setlist and ticket stub, The Robin 2012

Odin Dragonfly

"This is a great opportunity for us...we couldn’t turn it down," joked Heather Findlay as she thanked The Heather Findlay Band for giving Odin Dragonfly, that's Heather Findlay and Angela Goldthorpe, the support slot.

I was all set to see Odin Dragonfly a few years ago, but for some reason I didn't and I've kicked myself ever since, so I was thankful for the opportunity too.

Heather and Angela sounded great, and it was a fun set with lots of hijinx. Thanks to the hijinx, I don't remember most of the set, but Web sounded lovely, and Angela stepped in with a great rendition of Mostly Autumn's Which Wood? as Heather tuned her guitar and a technical problem with Angela's out of tune keyboard was fixed.

Fronting The Heather Findlay Band later, Heather joked "Did you see those girls earlier? They couldn’t even tune a guitar."

Odin Dragonfly's Heather FindlayHeather Findlay and acoustic guitar, Odin DragonflyOdin Dragonfly's Angela GoldthorpeAngela Goldthorpe playing the flute in Odin Dragonfly

Photos taken with a Canon Powershot G1 X compact camera.


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