Alex Harford Short Stories & Poetry

Short Stories, Lyrics & Poetry


by Alex Harford

They said it was possible
All guns a-blazing
If they'd come out alive
It would've been amazing

Don't go there, it's highly classified
I want a go myself, but someone else tried

No one really knows
What's inside
Those that have seen
Have haplessly died

Don't go there, it's highly classified
I want a go myself, but someone else tried

Think what could be in there
A whole different race
Yet those that have seen
Might've seen an empty space

They landed on the moon
Was it really there?
Shame it's quarantined
I'd certainly like a stare

Don't go there, it's highly classified
I want a go myself, but someone else tried

About this

When Dave Cakes first played the guitar riff of "Quarantine" to the rest of The Cakes, I knew it was going to be a good song, and it was the feel-good 'hit' of The Cakes' early days. At gigs, I even saw people I didn't know singing along which was a special feeling, though my favourite tracks are our more inaccessible ones like "Teeth and Lips" and "When I Go, Will You Be There?"

I wrote the lyrics before The Cakes existed, and they're about people trying to break into Area 51. Despite the final verse, I don't believe the moon landings were faked.

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